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Our Identity.

Brave M&T originates as a spin-off from the Politecnico di Milano. 

Leveraging the expertise gained from REC, Real Estate Center – Politecnico di Milano, Brave is dedicated to innovation projects in the real estate sector. 

Brave M&T stands out for a deep scientific and academic knowledge of the field, working in direct contact with the professional and business world. 

One of the key projects is the Building Rating Value (BRaVe), a system for the evaluation and rating of buildings, from which the spin-off takes its name, marking the beginning of this venture.

Oggi Brave M&T è il partner di innovazione interdisciplinare per tutti coloro che nel mondo real estate vogliano essere competitivi sul mercato e crescere grazie alle tecnologie.

The Brave Approach.

Fully integrated into the academic system of the Polytechnic University of Milan, Brave M&T is constantly exploring seeking new approaches in order to provide opportunities to create new value in collaboration with a network of institutions and companies.

We believe in transformation:the Brave approach is able to transform the knowledge gained from research into innovative and reliable models, with the aim of supporting competitiveness and efficiency in the real estate sector.

Brave M&T supports innovation:we help the activities of various Real Estate operators, transforming the ever-increasing amount of available data into competent analysis and innovative services to create value value in the market and reference area.

The Brave People

The Brave People

The Brave People

The Brave People

The Brave People

The Team.

Our team is composed by professionals who have been distinguished for years in research and innovation in the real estate world.

Brave's team includes:

Stefano Bellintani

Alberto Celani

Andrea Ciaramella

Anna Gornati

Antonio Invernale

Silvia Francesca Leoncini

Giuseppe Santoro

Simone Serafini

Oliviero Tronconi